Hilltop Rd

Roaring Brook Twp, PA 18444

33.3 Lot (Acres)
For Sale Status
33.3 Lot (Acres)
For Sale Status
Property DescriptionViews: 67 | Days: 1


Property Type: Land
Municipality: Roaring Brook Township
School District: North Pocono
Property Sub Type: Residential
County: Lackawanna
Listing Type: For Sale
Lot Size: 33
Zoning: Residential
Annual Tax: $1,606
Parcel: 18901040023
Days on Market: 1
Cumulative DOM: 1
Listing History
  • Listing Removed
  • Listed
  • gsb234262
  • Land
  • $279,000
  • Active
  • Listed
  • 23-4262
  • Land
  • $279,000
  • Listing Removed
  • Listed
  • 21-2428
  • Land
  • $299,900
Tax Record Report
Owner: Do Not Display
Date Acquired: 1981-12-18
Total Valuation: $6,742
Land Value: $6,742
Improved Value: $0
Est. Assessed Total Tax: $1,405
Est. Assessed County Tax: $387
Est. Assessed School Tax: $913
Est. Assessed Muni. Tax: $105
Municipality: Roaring Brook Twp
Muni. Code: 54
Subdivision: 4ap Of Crestwood
Parcel: 00000
Ward: 01
Block: 0120
Lot Number: 0200
Book/Page: 1045/0176
Dimensions: 38.8A
Consideration: $1

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