722 Hazle Street

Ashley, PA 18706

2,700 Square Footage
Off Market -Closed Status
2,700 Square Footage
Off Market -Closed Status
Property DescriptionViews: 12 | Days: 5


Property Type: Residential
Municipality: Hanover Twp
School District: Hanover
Property Sub Type: 3 Unit
Neighborhood: None
County: Luzerne
Sub Type More: Multi-Family
Subdivision: None
Listing Type: Off Market
Year Built: 1930
Square Feet: 2,700
Zoning: Apartment Residential
Parcel: 25-I9SE1 -014-022-000
  • Off-Street
Sold Date: 2024-05-15
How Sold: Conventional
Sold Price: $225,000
Days on Market: 5
Cumulative DOM: 0
Estimated Value
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